

Crossing at green light
But almost got hit by a bus
Nearly puke when I see you
Preaching your sick senses to innocent people
I can't believe, I've come to the same end
Red and green don't seem enough
And the y-light ain't helping much
I feel fine, if you care to know
I'm too numb to feel otherwise
I feel fine, if you care to know
I'm always the one who's trying too hard
And fail to grasp



觉得怎样 so out of my mind
在乎不在乎你头上的影子在晃 working out fine
觉得怎样 so out of my mind
在乎不在乎你只对我说一句话 working out fine

你是凝住的蜡 走动的光 偷走的话
你的影子 从脚底不断拉长 不断拉长

觉得怎样 so out of my mind
冥冥中又卷到泡水的后车厢 working out fine
觉得怎样 so out of my mind
在乎不在乎那天是不是不存在 working out fine

精神是砂的 瞳孔正放大 摇摇欲坠
侵蚀的话 被耽搁成什么样 什么样

觉得怎样 so out of my mind
在乎不在乎你出尔反尔的藏 working out fine
觉得怎样 so out of my mind
在乎不在乎你挑起的肩膀 working out fine

I am so blind So out of my mind



you shut the door behind you
telling me, I'm not the person I used to be
perhaps an apology ain't enough
when everying is so messed up
good things will happen to good people
well, I think I must have done
something terrible
the cake I brought back isn't your flavor
so I alone ate them all
my stomach started to ache
I think it must be the cake I ate
I think it must be mistake I made
I'm losing someone who understand me
I'm losing someone who understand me
I'm losing someone who understand me
Not you,you said



Drinking from a glass, I wait until you wake up
We must not fall in love,
'cuz we are so far apart
I know a lot had happened between us
but not enough to get through us a
bloody valentine
why do we stop falling for each other now
I must have known, I must've known
why is all of this just seem to be so magical
Sudden stall falling through
my brain my bloody bloody bloody one
all of this sudden can't you see it coming, too
when, when my head is open
how I still wouldn't help me lie
Oh, I hate it, it's true. I've been thinking about you
How did everything just
turned into something
I never had expected to be
Now I can not stop thinking who's trying in your arms, your arms
I suppose we almost did,
we almost did stop before you think up lies
What a pleasure to meet you meeting you no, it's true



有一种倦意 溶在 里斯本喝的牛奶里
你泡你的咖啡 我吃我的镇定剂
沙发上 粘黏 三张半睡半醒的蛋饼
谁也不知道 吃饱是否就能有力气

how can this be 绕个圈 又在厨房碰到你
精神奕奕 呆若木鸡
how can this be? 喜欢你起雾的近视眼睛
毫无头绪 你半夜跑到哪里

有一种幸福 总在 土司烤焦后跳起
你吹你的冷气 我听我的收音机
故障的脾气 赶不上 果汁机搅拌的频率
虽然不确定 习惯可以 不习惯也行

how can,how can,how can this be? 绕个圈 又在厨房碰到你
笑得诡异 满脸鼻涕
how can this be? 喜欢你起雾的近视眼镜
毫无头绪 你半夜跑到哪里
哪里 哪里 哪里 哪里 哪里
how can this be? 我竟爱上你发霉的脾气
毫不怀疑 等你早餐坐一起

how can,how can,how can this be? 绕个圈 又在厨房碰到你
精神奕奕 呆若木鸡
how can this be? 喜欢你起雾的近视眼镜
毫不怀疑 等你早餐坐一起

6.If I could


If I could, If I only could
If I only could make you smile
like a child I'd give anything of mine
闭上眼 倒数10秒间 你的笑脸
就突然出现 用力拥抱的那天
记忆变成嚼着的糖 吹成泡泡或是融化不见
空气中只剩闪烁 或许也好
终会实现 until the day I wish
If I could, If I only could If
I only could make you smile like a child
I'd give anything of mine
I will give anything I've ever had



黑夜中的列车缓慢行进 停停走走好像我的思绪
浑浑噩噩 浑浑噩噩
和一车陌生人 交换混浊的脏空气
说不出对不起也吞不下去 僵掉的笑容还在我脸上
this time honey, I'm getting rid of you
We are all selfish and overly prised
We are all selfish and overly prised
看我含泡泪你好像很爽 仿佛转身就要开香槟
this time dear, I'm getting rid of you
We are all selfish and overly prised
We are all selfish and overly prised



潮湿的地 雷阵雨 沿着想你的边缘游戏
曾经 听到的 那只是 那只是
划过的云 我还可以 闲荡 焦虑 清醒屋里没有你
约好住在漏水的公寓 一起接雨和拖地
等天放晴 到大溪地 或在家里
也许阳光透过玻璃上凝的水滴 好安静
不需多说一句 潮湿的地 雨不停
靠着我 (还)有没有你 远远的承诺
是真的 是真的 是你所有的表情
我还可以 合上眼 想起 忘记落空没关系
靠着我 不可能忘记



I picture us over mountain tops
Over tree tops Overcarefully steered
the wheel
Shall I stand up, shall I sit with both hands behind my back
You see me through flashing lights and lies
creamy disguise later
burns a hole in my head
would like to learn how to retire from stepping out of this
this average life
who is to say, who is to blame
that the ears, they weren't made to disobey



I'm sitting on the bench
Waiting for you to come near
When are you coming near
Feeling like to self-kill Killing time,
killing you Inside of my heart
So if you leave me, so if I leave you now
I think it's all because I've done too much waiting
And it's made us smell boring
I'm looking through the glass
Seeing your half twisted face I thinking
I know what you are asking
Feeling like to self-kill
Killing time, killing you Inside of my heart
So if you leave me, so if I leave you now
I think it's all because
I've done too much waiting
And it's made us smell boring