1.Why Oh!Why


Why don't you say that you love me
Why don't you say that you care
I can be your's You can be mine
We can go the heaven together

* Why don't you say that you fear me
Why don't you say that you don't
I can be nine You can be cruel
We can play good till from now till forever

Why can't you say it? Why oh why
Why can't you love me? why
Why can it be? Why oh why
What will it be? why
Why oh why Lalalala Lala *

Repeat *

Why oh why

Why oh why



弹着钢琴吃个冰淇淋 你傻傻地 问问我
为何开心 有你在还有什么好担心

看着电影吃着巧克力 哭着问你 好伤心
那个故事 不是我能够体会的遭遇
沙发也是天堂 有你在全都不一样
你是点石成金的天使 因为我爱你

吹着凉风数着小星星 你笑笑地 看着我
我们开心 因为我们会永远在一起
Oh I Love you You love me..
